Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Good For Him

I'm not a fan of his language, but I certainly understand his sentiment.  When Republicans won't stand up for the 1st Amendment, they don't deserve to be called Republicans.
Eike left the meeting before it ended, and later other members of the St. Cloud State College Republicans apologized for not vetting the wall more carefully, and subsequently took it down.

Eike posted his resignation letter on Facebook shortly thereafter, saying: “Congratulations everyone, you finally got your way because you were loud, obnoxious, whiney c*nts. I’m resigning as president of the College Republicans because I want nothing to do with an organization that doesn’t protect free speech and expression on campus,” according to the University Chronicle, St. Cloud State’s student-run newspaper.
This Norwegian is a better American than the Americans he shamed.  At least, I hope they're smart enough to feel shame.

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