Friday, April 11, 2014

I Hope She's Right

Megan McArdle says single-payer healthcare isn't on the horizon here in the US:
Of the plans that states have hatched for the Affordable Care Act, none has been bolder than that of Vermont, which wants to implement a single-payer health-care system, along the lines of what you might find in Britain or Canada. One government-operated system will cover all 620,000 of Vermont’s citizens. The hope is that such a system will allow Vermont to get costs down closer to Canada’s, as well as improve health by coordinating care and ensuring universal coverage.

Just two small issues need to be resolved before the state gets to all systems go: First, it needs the federal government to grant waivers allowing Vermont to divert Medicaid and other health-care funding into the single-payer system. And second, Vermont needs to find some way to pay for it.

Although Act 48 required Vermont to create a single-payer system by 2017, the state hasn’t drafted a bill spelling out how to raise the additional $1.6 billion a year (based on the state's estimate) the system needs. The state collected only $2.7 billion in tax revenue in fiscal year 2012, so that's a vexingly large sum to scrape together...

So this is going to be expensive. So expensive that I doubt Vermont is actually going to go forward with it.

This should be instructive for those who hope -- or fear -- that Obamacare has all been an elaborate preliminary to a nationwide single-payer system. It isn’t. The politics are impossible, and even if they weren’t, the financing would be unthinkable.
It's not like we haven't before spent money we don't have, though.

1 comment:

allen (in Michigan) said...

She's right.

Some time back I caught a story that detailed the quiet, piecemeal scaling-back of government health care in a number of countries that have had socialized medicine for quite some time.

Canada, England, Germany and Sweden have all made small, market-based reforms to their systems due to a combination of rising costs and rising public dissatisfaction. The fight's been kept fairly quiet because neither side feels confident enough of public sentiment to risk a trial in the court of public opinion but that abstention by the left from the use of hysteria is in itself a victory.